Lawyers (Associates)

Advestra offers you the oppor­tun­ity to work with oth­er highly qual­i­fied law­yers on chal­len­ging and excit­ing, often cross-bor­der, mat­ters. Our cli­ents range from lis­ted com­pan­ies, fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions, spon­sors and oth­er investors to entre­pren­eurs, start-ups and fam­ily-owned firms. We advise our cli­ents on all aspects of busi­ness and tax law.


Our asso­ci­ates have the oppor­tun­ity to work with a diverse team of part­ners and oth­er asso­ci­ates in dif­fer­ent prac­tice areas. Depend­ing on the pref­er­ences they devel­op over time our asso­ci­ates can focus on selec­ted prac­tice areas. As we are a young law firm, there is also room to expand into new areas of expert­ise. We place great import­ance on sup­port­ing and fos­ter­ing the strengths and interests of our associates.

Train­ing and Development

The train­ing and devel­op­ment of our asso­ci­ates is essen­tial. Weekly know-how meet­ings are sup­ple­men­ted with intern­al and extern­al train­ing and devel­op­ment events. Each asso­ci­ate will be sup­por­ted both pro­fes­sion­ally and per­son­ally by a ment­or (part­ner). It is import­ant to us to map a clear and trans­par­ent career path.

Please don’t hes­it­ate to con­tact us if you have any questions.

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