Our Story

Advestra was foun­ded in 2020 by pas­sion­ate law­yers on a shared vis­ion: our cli­ents deserve soph­ist­ic­ated advice by dynam­ic and approach­able pro­fes­sion­als with a deep com­mer­cial understanding.

We cre­ated a cor­por­ate law firm com­bin­ing the power of a big law firm with the per­son­al and lean approach of a small firm. We work as a team with no room for egos.

We are a team of exper­i­enced law­yers with out­stand­ing leg­al and trans­ac­tion­al expert­ise. Thriv­ing in com­plex­ity, we over­come chal­lenges and anti­cip­ate the next issues in your trans­ac­tion and bey­ond. Our team tackles prob­lems pro­act­ively and with an open mind to cre­ate prac­tic­al solu­tions and enable informed decision-mak­ing. We take respons­ib­il­ity to get it done.

We are attent­ive to the needs and object­ives of our cli­ents. We are an approach­able and loy­al part­ner in growth and in crisis. We are always helpful.