Student Trainee

We are look­ing for ambi­tious and motiv­ated stu­dent train­ees for our prac­tice areas Cor­por­ate | M&A, Cap­it­al Mar­kets, Fin­ance and Fin­an­cial Ser­vices.
At Advestra you are part of a team of exper­i­enced law­yers with out­stand­ing leg­al and trans­ac­tion­al expert­ise. We advise our cli­ents in particular

  • on ini­tial pub­lic offer­ings (IPO) and oth­er cap­it­al mar­ket transactions
  • on all types of M&A and oth­er cor­por­ate trans­ac­tions (acquis­i­tion and divest­ment trans­ac­tions, joint ven­tures, private equity, ven­ture cap­it­al etc.)
  • in the fin­an­cial sec­tor in the con­text of licens­ing pro­ceed­ings, ongo­ing com­pli­ance with pruden­tial require­ments and enforce­ment pro­ceed­ings before FINMA and oth­er authorities
  • on all aspects of cor­por­ate gov­ernance and cor­por­ate and com­mer­cial law

You will have the oppor­tun­ity to work in all our prac­tice areas to gain a broad insight into a cor­por­ate law firm.

We pro­mote a col­legi­al work envir­on­ment with a flat hier­archy which is based on team­work and mutu­al support.

If you are study­ing law at a Swiss uni­ver­sity and share our pas­sion and our val­ues, we look for­ward to receiv­ing your application.

Should you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Daniel Raun.