Financial Services

Banks, insurers, asset man­agers and oth­er fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions evolve in a chal­len­ging and chan­ging reg­u­lat­ory envir­on­ment which puts them under increas­ing scru­tiny, while tech­no­logy and digit­al­iz­a­tion put fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions and unreg­u­lated tech­no­logy firms at the cross-road between two indus­tries. Our cli­ents can rely on a highly spe­cial­ized team with many years of exper­i­ence and pro­found know­ledge of the leg­al frame­work and the indus­tries in which fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions operate.

We sup­port fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions com­pre­hens­ively from licens­ing pro­ceed­ings, ongo­ing com­pli­ance with pruden­tial require­ments and rules of con­duct, enforce­ment pro­ceed­ings before FINMA and oth­er author­it­ies, up to reor­gan­iz­a­tions or wind­ing-down. We build on our expert­ise and know­ledge of the industry, to advise our cli­ents in trans­ac­tion­al mat­ters, from mer­gers and acquis­i­tions, com­plex reor­gan­iz­a­tions to rais­ing reg­u­lat­ory cap­it­al in the most effect­ive manner.

We are at the fore­front of reg­u­lat­ory devel­op­ments. We par­ti­cip­ate act­ively in the reg­u­lat­ory pro­cess, includ­ing as experts in par­lia­ment­ary hear­ings, expert com­mis­sions and oth­er work­ing groups. We were closely involved in the leg­al and reg­u­lat­ory pro­cess that led to the Fin­an­cial Ser­vices Act (FinSA) and the Fin­an­cial Insti­tu­tions Act (Fin­IA) and their imple­ment­ing ordin­ances. Our advice does not stop at black let­ter law, but helps our cli­ent anti­cip­ate reg­u­lat­ory developments.