
Advestra officially launches its practice!

We are very happy and excited to announce the launch of Advestra!

We advise cli­ents on all ques­tions related to Cor­por­ate | M&A, Cap­it­al Mar­kets, Fin­ance, Fin­an­cial Ser­vices as well as Tax, with a par­tic­u­lar focus on trans­ac­tion­al work. Com­bin­ing the power of a big law firm with the lean and per­son­al approach of a small one, we provide soph­ist­ic­ated advice, cre­ate prag­mat­ic solu­tions and enable informed decision-making.

We are look­ing for­ward to the jour­ney ahead and to tack­ling pro­jects and chal­lenges togeth­er with our cli­ents and colleagues.