
Advestra advises XP Inc. on the sale of its Swiss private investment and wealth management business

Advestra advised XP Inc., a lead­ing Brazili­an invest­ment com­pany lis­ted on Nas­daq, on the sale of its Swiss private invest­ment and wealth man­age­ment busi­ness. The busi­ness was sold to mem­bers of the European team in a man­age­ment buy­out and will oper­ate under the Sartus Cap­it­al brand in the future.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to XP. The team included Rashid Bahar (Fin­an­cial Ser­vices, Cor­por­ate | M&A), Daniel Raun and Anna Capaul (both Cor­por­ate | M&A).