
Advestra advises Bank of America Merrill Lynch, J.P. Morgan, UBS and Société Générale on the placement of shares of Adecco Group

Adecco Group suc­cess­fully placed newly issued shares rais­ing gross pro­ceeds of approx­im­ately EUR 232 mil­lion by way of an accel­er­ated book­build­ing for the fin­an­cing of the planned acquis­i­tion of Akka Tech­no­lo­gies. Bank of Amer­ica Mer­rill Lynch, J.P. Mor­gan and UBS were act­ing as Joint Glob­al Coordin­at­ors and Joint Book­run­ners and Société Générale as Joint Book­run­ner in the offering.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to the syn­dic­ate banks. The team included Annette Weber, Thomas Reut­ter and Valérie Bayard (all Cap­it­al Markets).