
Advestra advises Patrimonium on refinancing of BOGNER

Pat­ri­moni­um Middle Mar­ket Debt Fund has com­mit­ted as a stra­tegic fin­an­cing part­ner to Willy Bogn­er GmbH and provides debt fin­an­cing to refin­ance exist­ing bank debt.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to Pat­ri­moni­um. The team included Annina Ham­mer and Alex­an­der von Jein­sen (both Fin­an­cing) as well as Laurent Ried­weg (Tax). Ashurst acted as lead coun­sel to Pat­ri­moni­um. Noerr and Walder Wyss advised BOGN­ER, who was also sup­por­ted by its in-house coun­sels. The interests of BOGN­ER­’s share­hold­ers were rep­res­en­ted by SGP Schneider Geiwitz.