
Advestra advises Goldman Sachs, ABN AMRO and J.P. Morgan on the ABB of DSM-Firmenich

DSM-Firmenich suc­cess­fully placed shares by way of an accel­er­ated book­build­ing rais­ing gross pro­ceeds of approx. EUR 733 mio. The pro­ceeds will be used for the buy-out of shares not tendered in the exchange offer to DSM share­hold­ers. Gold­man Sachs, ABN AMRO and J.P. Mor­gan acted as joint glob­al coordin­at­ors in this transaction.

Advestra acted as leg­al coun­sel to the joint glob­al coordin­at­ors. The team included Annette Weber, Thomas Reut­ter and Fabi­an Loretan (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).