Peter Riedweg

Tax Partner I Swiss Certified Tax Expert I Swiss Certified Accountant
T. +41 44 244 06 74 | +41 79 400 32 48

Peter Ried­weg focuses on cor­por­ate tax law, in par­tic­u­lar tax neut­ral reor­gan­iz­a­tions (mer­gers, demer­gers, asset/​business trans­fers), domest­ic and inter­na­tion­al mer­gers and acquis­i­tions, cross-bor­der trans­ac­tions and redom­i­cili­ations and struc­tur­ing of cap­it­al mar­ket trans­ac­tions and private equity and com­plex cor­por­ate tax issues.

He fur­ther advises wealthy indi­vidu­als and entre­pren­eurs in com­plex tax issues and tax planning.

Peter Ried­weg is a mem­ber of the tax expert group of EXPERT­suisse (Swiss Asso­ci­ation of Swiss Account­ants and Tax Experts). He also routinely par­ti­cip­ates in expert groups on tax reform pro­jects, such as tax neut­ral reor­gan­iz­a­tions, par­tial indir­ect liquid­a­tion, tax free repat­ri­ation concept and cor­por­ate tax reform 2020 (STAF).

Peter Ried­weg has pub­lished vari­ous art­icles on the tax reor­gan­iz­a­tion act, inter­na­tion­al tax law and the cor­por­ate tax reform 2020 and is a fre­quent speak­er at tax seminars.

Cham­bers ranks Peter Ried­weg in Band 1 among the lead­ing tax con­sult­ants and he fig­ures in the Legal500 Hall of Fame.