
Advestra advises HSBC, Morgan Stanley, UBS and the other members of the banking syndicate on the rights offering and the high-yield bonds of ams-OSRAM

ams-OSRAM suc­cess­fully com­pleted its hol­ist­ic fin­an­cing plan, which con­sisted, among oth­ers, of a rights offer­ing and the place­ment of high-yield bonds. In con­nec­tion with the rights-offer­ing, ams-OSRAM raised gross pro­ceeds of approx­im­ately EUR 808 mio. From the place­ment of the high-yield bonds, ams-OSRAM received gross pro­ceeds in an amount equi­val­ent to EUR 1 bil­lion. The rights offer­ing con­sisted of a hard under­writ­ing by the bank­ing syndicate.

Advestra acted as Swiss leg­al coun­sel to HSBC, Mor­gan Stan­ley and UBS as well as the oth­er mem­bers of the bank­ing syn­dic­ate. The team included Annette Weber, Thomas Reut­ter, Valérie Bayard, Samuel Fäh and Mil­an Schéda (all Cap­it­al Mar­kets) as well as Céline Mar­tin (Tax).