Dr. Thomas U. Reutter, LL.M.

Partner | Attorney at law
lic.oec. HSG
T. +41 58 510 92 80 | +41 79 571 29 87

Thomas Reut­ter helps cli­ents with their cap­it­al mar­ket and M&A trans­ac­tions. He also advises numer­ous com­pan­ies in secur­it­ies and cor­por­ate law mat­ters as well as on ques­tions of cor­por­ate gov­ernance and compensation.

Thomas advises issuers and invest­ment banks on equity cap­it­al mar­ket trans­ac­tions such as IPOs, cap­it­al increases (e.g. rights issues, ABBs), sec­ond­ary place­ments of shares (e.g. block­trades) or on debt cap­it­al mar­ket trans­ac­tions (includ­ing hybrid and equity linked trans­ac­tions). A fur­ther focus of his prac­tice is the advise of com­pan­ies and investors on mer­gers and acquis­i­tions of lis­ted or privately held com­pan­ies. In addi­tion, Thomas also advises cor­por­ate cli­ents on restruc­tur­ings and reor­gan­iz­a­tions, includ­ing joint ven­tures and spin-offs.

Thomas Reut­ter is also a trus­ted adviser for numer­ous large and mid cap lis­ted com­pan­ies on dis­clos­ure, ad-hoc, insider and oth­er issues relat­ing to stock exchange and secur­it­ies reg­u­la­tions and cor­por­ate law. He also coun­sels these com­pan­ies on ques­tions of cor­por­ate gov­ernance and compensation.

All rel­ev­ant rank­ing agen­cies list Thomas Reut­ter as a lead­ing law­yer in the areas of M&A and cap­it­al mar­kets (Cham­bers, Leg­al 500, IFLR 1000). Thomas is edit­or and author of numer­ous pub­lic­a­tions in his areas of expert­ise. He also acts as Co-edit­or of Caplaw, the Swiss Cap­it­al Mar­ket Law Newsletter.